What Does Failed FaceTime Mean on iPhone? – Explained

If your FaceTime calls fail frequently, it can be due to several reasons. This article will explain the reasons behind failed FaceTime calls and how you can fix them.

What Does Failed FaceTime Mean?

A Facetime call can fail for many reasons, starting from a poor internet connection and going all the way to FaceTime being unavailable in the other person’s country.

Also, the failure may happen from your iPhone or the person you are trying to call.

Some common reasons are:

1. Poor Internet Connection

One reason for FaceTime failure can be that the person you are trying to call does not have an active internet connection.

FaceTime requires a strong and stable internet connection to work correctly.

So if the person you are trying to call has a poor or weak internet connection, it can cause FaceTime to fail. Alternatively, if your internet connection is poor, it can also result in FaceTime failure.

If you are having trouble with FaceTime due to a poor internet connection, we recommend that you try using a different Wi-Fi or switch to cellular data.

2. The Other Person May have Their FaceTime Turned Off

Another reason for FaceTime failure can be that the other person has their FaceTime turned off.

If the other person has their FaceTime turned off, it will not be possible to call them using FaceTime.You can ask them to turn it on by texting them.

3. Make Sure Both iPhones Have the Latest Version of FaceTime

If you and the person you are trying to call are using different versions of FaceTime, it can also lead to FaceTime failure.

To avoid this, ensure both iPhones have the latest version of FaceTime. To check the latest version, go to the app store and search FaceTime.

If you see an update button next to the Facetime icon, then click on it and update your FaceTime app. If it shows open next to the icon, you already have the latest version.

Apple app store showing latest faceTime version installed on iPhone
Latest Facetime version installed

4. Check if FaceTime is Available in The Other Person’s Country

If you are trying to call someone who is in a different country, it is possible that FaceTime may not be available in their country.

In this case, you will not be able to call them using FaceTime. FaceTime is currently unavailable in Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

Does Facetime Failed Means they Declined?

No, FaceTime Failed doesn’t mean the other person declined the call; it means that the call was unable to go through for reasons like poor internet, incompatible version, or simply Facetime is disabled from settings.

If they declined the call, then you will see an error saying “FaceTime Unavailable.”

Why Facetime Call Fails Immediately?

If your FaceTime call fails immediately without even ringing, it can be because the FaceTime app is not configured correctly on either your device or the other person’s device.

To configure it correctly, disable the FaceTime app by going to settings->FaceTime and then enable it and enter the asked information correctly.

FaceTime Enabled from settings on iPhone


So, in conclusion, if you are having trouble with FaceTime due to a poor internet connection, we recommend you try using a different internet connection, such as Wi-Fi or cellular data.

Also, make sure both iPhones have the latest version of FaceTime and that Facetime is available in the other person’s country. 

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