Can You Unsend an iMessage on iOS? [Limitations & Solutions]

We’ve all been there before. You sent an iMessage to the wrong person, or you accidentally hit “send” when you didn’t mean to. What can you do in this situation? Can you unsend an iMessage?

The answer depends on whether the iMessage has been delivered or not. This article will explore what you can do in both scenarios.

How to Unsend an iMessage on iOS 16?

Apple has recently released iOS 16 and added the feature to unsend or modify iMessage, which was not available in the previous iOS versions.

Remember you have 15 minutes to unsend or modify the message once you have hit send.

To unsend an iMessage,

  1. Open the conversation and long-press the message you want to unsend.
  2. A list of options will pop up. Select “undo send” from that menu.
  3. Your message will be unsent if done within 15 minutes after sending the message.

Can You Unsend iMessage Before it’s Delivered?

Yes, if you realize that you sent an iMessage to the wrong person before it’s been delivered, you can go into your Messages app and delete the entire conversation.

This will stop the message from being delivered to the other person.

How to Unsend an iMessage on iOS 15?

iOS 15 doesn’t have the default feature to unsend an iMessage, but you can still do it by following the methods below.

1. Unsend iMessage Using Airplane Mode

If you’re quick enough, you can try putting your phone into airplane mode before the message is delivered. This will stop the message from being sent through and should prevent it from being delivered.

To do this, swipe up your control panel and find the airplane icon, then turn it on, or you can also go to your Settings app and turn on Airplane Mode.

Once it’s been turned on, open up the Messages app and delete the conversation. Once you’re finished, go back to your Settings app and turn off Airplane Mode. This should stop the message from being delivered.

2. Unsend iMessage by Turning Off Your Wi-Fi or Mobile Data

Another method you can try is turning off your wifi or mobile data. This will prevent the message from being sent through and should stop it from being delivered.

To do this, simply go to your Settings app and turn off either your wifi or mobile data (or both). Once it’s been turned off, open up the Messages app and delete the conversation.

Once you’re finished, go back to your Settings app and turn on either your wifi or mobile data (or both). This should stop the message from being delivered.

When You Delete an iMessage, Does it Delete for the Other Person?

No. It will get deleted from your devices only. If the message has been delivered, there is no way to delete iMessage for both devices unless you are on iOS 16 or above.

Otherwise it will still show as a delivered message on the other person’s device.

So, if you want to unsend the message, you must delete it before the message is delivered.

Can You Unsend a Text Message?

No, once a text message is sent, it cannot be unsent. The person who received the message will be able to see it.

You can delete the message from your phone, but the other person will still be able to see it. So, there is no way to unsend a text message.

Why Can’t You Unsend Messages on Your iPhone?

There are a few things that could be wrong if you can’t delete texts from your iPhone:

1. Message Delivery Time

In iMessage, you can only delete texts for a certain amount of time, usually 15 minutes. If the message was sent more than 15 minutes ago, you might be unable to return it.

2. Older iOS Version

You may be unable to delete texts if you have an older version of iOS. Ensure that your device’s iOS version lets you use this function.

3. Device of the Recipient

You might not be able to delete texts if the recipient does not use iMessage or an older version of iOS.

4. Internet Connection

To send the unsend request, you need a stable internet connection. Make sure your data or Wi-Fi connections are working fine.

It’s best to ask Apple Support or the Apple community for help if the problem continues. They can give advice based on your device and iOS version.


To sum up, the ability to unsend iMessages is a useful iOS tool that lets you fix mistakes in messages or stay in charge of digital conversations. But things like time limits, iOS versions, and the ability of the recipient to use it can affect its availability and usefulness. Talking to Apple Support or the user group can help you figure out how to fix unsend problems.

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