How To Turn Off Subject Line in iMessage on iPhone

Do you hate how the subject line appears in iMessage on your iPhone? It’s a small thing, but it can be really annoying when you’re trying to have a conversation with someone.

In this article, we will show you how to turn off the subject line so that your conversations will be more streamlined and easier to follow.

What Does Show Subject Field Mean on iPhone?

The Show Subject Field option in the Settings app determines whether or not the subject field will be shown when composing a new message in iMessage.

If you turn this off, then the subject field will no longer appear when you create a new message. However, if you turn it back on, the subject field will reappear.

How to Turn Off the Subject Line in iMessage Step by Step

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

2. Tap on “Messages.”

Messages selected from settings on iphone

3. Scroll down to the “SMS/MMS” section and toggle off the “Show Subject Field” option.

Show subject Field option disabled from settings

Now, when you create a new message, the subject field will no longer be shown. This can be helpful if you find that you don’t use the subject field very often or if you just want to streamline your conversations.

Why You Should Turn Off the Subject Line in iMessage?

  • One of the benefits of turning off the subject line in iMessage is that it can help prevent people from accidentally sending messages to the wrong person. By turning off the subject line in iMessage, you can help prevent this from happening.
  • Another benefit of turning off the subject line in iMessage is that it can help make your messages more private. For example, if you’re sending a sensitive message to someone, you may not want the subject line to be visible to anyone who may glance at your screen. By turning off the subject line, you can help ensure that your messages stay private.
  • So, if you are looking for a way to make your messages more private or prevent accidentally sending messages to the wrong person, turning off the subject line in iMessage may be a good option.

How to Remove Subject Line from Text Messages iPhone?

The method to remove the subject line on iPhone is the same for both iMessage and text messages. All you need is to turn off the Show Subject Field option in the Settings app.

To do this, follow the steps explained above. Once you’ve turned off this option, your text messages will no longer show a subject line.

Why iMessages Say No Subject?

There are a few different reasons why your iMessages might say “no subject.” It could be because you have the Show Subject Field option turned off in the Settings app or because the person you’re messaging doesn’t have an iPhone.

If you’re still not sure why your iMessages are saying “no subject,” then you can try troubleshooting the issue with Apple’s support team.


In this article, we showed you how to turn off the subject line in iMessage on your iPhone. This can be useful if you realize that you don’t use the subject field frequently or just want to clean up your conversations.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them down below. Thanks for reading!

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