Why is Your iPhone Charging Backward? (Causes & Solutions)

Ever had the strange experience of having your iPhone charge seemingly backward? 

This article will explore why your iPhone is charging backward and provide solutions to fix this issue. Let’s unravel the mystery of backward charging.

Why is Your iPhone Charging Backwards? – Potential Causes

It can be confusing to run upon anomalies in modern technology like your iPhone charging backwards. Although it could appear to be magic, there are logical answers based on smartphones’ complex functionality and design.

Let’s investigate some potential causes for this odd phenomenon.

1. Cable Reversal or Damage

A false sense of reverse charging can occasionally result from a broken or poorly inserted cable. Because of its reversible structure, the Lightning cable can be plugged in either way. However, if it is not fully connected or upside-down connected, it can interfere with charging.

2. Software Bugs

On occasion, complicated software operating on smartphones can cause odd behaviors. The battery icon may appear incorrectly due to a brief operating system bug, giving the impression that reverse charging is occurring.

3. Misinterpreted Battery Indicator

The battery indicator on your iPhone is intended to represent several different states, including charging, charging, and discharging. The incorrect perception of backward charging could occur if these icons are misinterpreted.

4. Third-Party Accessories

Using charging accessories that are not approved may result in unexpected behaviors. Your iPhone may not be able to communicate with these accessories properly, which can result in inaccurate charging indicators being displayed.

5. Temperature Extremes

Extreme temperatures may affect the battery’s functionality and slow down the rate at which it charges. If the battery level doesn’t increase as predicted, this could be mistaken for reverse charging.

6. Battery Health and Age

As batteries get older, they may lose capacity and efficiency. If the battery in your iPhone is seriously damaged, it may charge slowly and appear to be charging backward.

You can troubleshoot and fix the problem with a better charging experience for your device if you are aware of these aspects.

How to Fix iPhone Reverse Charging?

You may take action to address and resolve this issue if you get into a strange situation where your iPhone appears to be charging in reverse. We’ve listed a set of troubleshooting actions below to assist you in resolving the reverse charging issue with your iPhone.

1. Inspect the Charging Cable

First, ensure that the charging cable is in good condition and put correctly into both the iPhone and the power source. The reverse charging could be accidentally caused by switching the cable’s direction.

2. Restart Your iPhone

Software bugs generating strange behavior can frequently be fixed with a simple restart. To restart, press and hold the power button as you do so. This could perhaps fix the problem and refresh the system.

3. Use Apple-Certified Accessories

Ensure that you are using Apple-approved charging accessories. With non-certified accessories, your iPhone may not communicate with them properly, resulting in erroneous charging indicators.

4. Clean Charging Port

A clean charging port is essential since debris such as dirt, lint, or dust might prevent a proper connection. Use compressed air or a small brush to gently clean the port to guarantee a strong connection between your iPhone and the charger.


5. Update Your Software

Verify that the operating system on your iPhone is current. Frequently, bug fixes that can correct such abnormalities are included in software upgrades. To search for and install any available updates, go to Settings > General > Software Update.

6. Check Battery Health

Check the battery health of your iPhone to see whether its capacity has dramatically decreased. In that case, it might not charge as quickly. Go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health to verify this.

7. Reset All Settings

You can attempt resetting all settings if the problem continues. Your data won’t be deleted, but all settings will be returned to their original defaults. Reset All Settings by going to Settings > General > Reset.

8. Seek Professional Assistance

If none of the above fixes the problem, it’s advised to contact Apple Support or go to an Apple Store. They can identify hardware-related issues and provide fixes.

By solving and fixing the potential causes, you’ll likely recover your iPhone’s charging procedure to its normal, forward-flowing operation.

Why is Your iPhone Battery Charging but Not Increasing?

You can be confused by the frustrating situation in which your iPhone is charging, but the battery does not increase. 

This frequently happens because of various elements, including battery health, programming errors, and charging hardware. A deteriorated battery may absorb power more slowly, stalling the charging percentage.

Software glitches might result in wrong battery level reporting, and charging ports or connection problems can restrict the flow of electricity. 

In rare circumstances, background programs or operations can use more power than they should. If you have this mystery, you might want to reset your device, check the condition of your battery, use approved attachments, or get help from a specialist. 

If you take care of these probable offenders, you’ll be better prepared to tackle the problem and restore your iPhone’s charging effectiveness.


It can be difficult to navigate the problem of iPhone charging anomalies, but you can solve the puzzles with the right information. Understanding various causes, whether the mysterious reverse charging or stalled battery percentages, enables efficient troubleshooting. Remember that technological anomalies frequently have logical fixes, giving you control over how your iPhone charges back.

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